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Chiprels are small, weak chipmunk-type creatures (perhaps a combination of chipmunk and squirrel). They're generally not aggressive, but will retaliate if attacked by throwing acorns. They're very easy to kill and their attacks deal very little damage. Killing them them as you pass them will yield a small amount of gold, experience, and occasionally an item.

Demon Boar
Demon Boars are boar-sized creatures with a reddish appearance and a multitude of eyes. They're generally found in large groups, and will attack if you come too close. Demon boars attack with their spines and their tusked snouts. They're pretty easy to kill, and yield a decent amount of gold and experience, as well as the occasional item.

A Medium sized melee unit with a Stun attack that makes them lethal when outnumbering opponents. They are grayish brown and humanoid in appearance and are often found clustered around gold mines along with Cikles. It is best to approach these units in a large group with the intent to clear as they will stun-lock anyone they are attacking and kill in 5-6 hits.

Golden Troll
A large Golden colored troll (hence the name) that hits hard and will normally kill and lone player who attempts to kill them. Should be attempted in groups of 3+.

Insect Warrior
Insect Warriors are small insect like humanoids that wear glasses. They are not currently included in any official maps but are available to mappers and modders.

A medium sized humanoid made entirely of ice. Attacks with bolts of frost and has a ranged freeze attack similar to the Grandar stun. Often found with Grandars around gold mines.

Dark Rogue
A Dark Rogue is a human-like warrior capable of using magic. They are usually tough to kill and usually not alone. Dark rogues often guard strategically important locations on the map like hell shrines. They will drop items and they do provide a soul to those who manage to kill them. Best way to kill them is with one buddy around.

Small monkey like creatures with some basic intelligence. Wields a simple stick as a weapon and dies easily to a single player even in groups.


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