
Buff Debuffのスタック



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Armor Debuff (Major): Acid Spit (exotic Hunter pet), Expose Armor, Sunder Armor

Armor Debuff (Minor): Faerie Fire, Sting (Hunter pet), Curse of Recklessness

Physical Vulnerability Debuff: Blood Frenzy, (2nd Talent Spec TBA)

Melee Haste Buff: Improved Icy Talons, Windfury Totem

Melee Critical Strike Chance Buff: Leader of the Pack, Rampage

Attack Power Buff (Flat Add): Battle Shout, Blessing of Might

Attack Power Buff (Multiplier): Abomination's Might, Trueshot Aura, Unleashed Rage

Ranged Attack Power Buff: Hunter's Mark (only Hunters benefit, so no need to exclude against other class abilities)

Bleed Damage Increase Debuff: Mangle, Trauma

Spell Haste Buff: Wrath of Air Totem

Spell Critical Strike Chance Buff: Moonkin Aura, Elemental Oath

Spell Critical Strike Chance Debuff: Improved Scorch, Winter's Chill

Increased Spell Damage Taken Debuff: Ebon Plaguebringer, Earth and Moon, Curse of the Elements

Increased Spell Power Buff: Focus Magic, Improved Divine Spirit, Flametongue Totem, Totem of Wrath, Demonic Pact

Increased Spell Hit Chance Taken Debuff: Improved Faerie Fire, Misery

Percentage Haste Increase (All Types): Improved Moonkin Aura, Swift Retribution

Percentage Damage Increase: Ferocious Inspiration, Sanctified Retribution

Critical Strike Chance Taken Debuff (All types): Heart of the Crusader, Totem of Wrath

Melee Attack Speed Slow Debuff: Icy Touch, Infected Wounds, Judgements of the Just, Thunderclap

Melee Hit Chance Reduction Debuff: Insect Swarm, Scorpid Sting

Healing Debuff: Wound Poison, Aimed Shot, Mortal Strike, Furious Attacks

Attack Power Debuff: Demoralizing Roar, Curse of Weakness, Demoralizing Shout

Stat Multiplier Buff: Blessing of Kings

Stat Add Buff: Mark of the Wild

Agility and Strength Buff: Strength of Earth Totem, Horn of Winter

Stamina Buff: Power Word: Fortitude

Health Buff: Commanding Shout, Blood Pact

Intellect Buff: Arcane Intellect, Fel Intelligence

Spirit Buff: Divine Spirit, Fel Intelligence

Damage Reduction Percentage Buff: Grace, Blessing of Sanctuary

Percentage Increase Healing Received Buff: Tree of Life, Improved Devotion Aura

Armor Increase Percentage Buff: Inspiration, Ancestral Healing

Cast Speed Slow: Curse of Tongues, Slow, Mind-numbing Poison.


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