"The BloodBowl Cup is as good ours!"

1つの確かなのは、HumanチームはBlood Bowlを愛していて、タッチダウンを目指している時、

BloodBowl DarkElevesEdition ”StrategyGuide”より引用

LINEMEN Salary:50,000GP Value:50

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
NO Double Normal Double Double

A Human Lineman is pretty much the benchmark for Linemen of other
races. There is nothing especially spectacular about him; he is there to
fill the lines, take the hits and keep enemy players busy. We are not
suggesting, though, that a Lineman just stand there and ‘take it like a
man’, having an Armour value of 8 and a Movement value of 6 will still
enable him to do some spectacular things once in a while – all he needs
is the right opportunity. A Lineman’s low cost also allows you to take
quite a few, which is great for maintaining a solid defence line. Very
reassuring if this is your first team

CATCHER Salary:70,000GP Value:70

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
Normal Normal Normal Double Double

The Human Catcher has an excellent Movement rate of 8, which,
in addition to Dodge, enables him to break through the
opponent’s line when the opportunity arises, and the Catch skill
enables him to re-roll the Catch dice should he fail. However,
with a measly Strength value of 2, they are vulnerable to blocks;
most opponent players will roll two dice during a block to knock
them down. Their Armour value of 7 makes them very fragile
and easy to injure, so avoid getting into contact with other
players at all costs!

THROWER Salary:70,000GP Value:70

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
NO Double Normal Double Normal

Like the Catcher, the Human Thrower already has
everything he needs to do his job, and the combination of
the two players is critical to all Human strategies. Note that
because the number of Human Throwers is limited to two per team,
a smart opponent will always try to eliminate them as soon as
possible. So try to protect them and avoid sending them into battle
with other players if at all possible. Also, there is always the
question - should you risk putting both Throwers on the pitch? It
may be sorely tempting but try to keep one in reserve rather than
waste a player who is only there to throw the ball and little else
  • he will always be the target of choice for "killer" opponents

BLITZER Salary:90,000GP Value:90

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
NO Normal Normal Double Double

Intended to provide a defensive screen when the ball is being
thrown by his team mate, Blitzers are multi-talented players that
can hold their own. They have a pretty good Movement rate of
7 for what is essentially an offensive player but their average
Strength value of 3 will mean that they will have to get support
from team mates to make an impact against more powerful
teams such as Orcs or Chaos, not to mention Star players

OGRE Salary:140,000GP Value:140

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
NO Normal Double Double Double
Skills:Bone-head,Mighty Blow,Thick skull,Throw Team-Mate,Loner

Whether to add an Ogre to a Human Team is an endless
source of discussion among Blood Bowl fans. This Big
Guy provides the punch that other Humans players are
lacking, but on the other hand, he serves no real purpose
in most strategies for a Human team. His main advantage
is, like most Big Guys, his Strength, which allows you to
roll two dice against almost all opposing players and
thanks to his Mighty Blow skill, you have a very good chance
of injuring them too.


Griff Oberweld Salary:320,000GP Value:140

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
NO Normal Double Double Double
Skills:Loner,Block,Dodge,Fend,Sprint,Sure foot

MORG 'N' THORG Salary:430,000GP Value:140

Status&Skill Categories

MA AG ST AV Mutation Strength General Agility Passing
10 NO Normal Double Double Double
Skills:Loner,Block,Mighty Blow,Thick Skull,Throw Team-mate


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