「AOJ Problem Set from ALDS1 問20~24」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

AOJ Problem Set from ALDS1 問20~24」(2014/01/18 (土) 01:32:41) の最新版変更点



*Tree - Tree Walk http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_7_C&lang=jp 2分木をデータから組み立て順番に訪問した結果を出力する問題。 #include<stdio.h> const int LIMIT=26; const int NIL=-1; struct node{ int p,right,left; }; node Tree[LIMIT]; void Preorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; printf(" %d",p); Preorder(Tree[p].left); Preorder(Tree[p].right); } void Inorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; Inorder(Tree[p].left); printf(" %d",p); Inorder(Tree[p].right); } void Postorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; Postorder(Tree[p].left); Postorder(Tree[p].right); printf(" %d",p); } int main(){ int n,l,r,no; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)Tree[i].p=NIL; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d %d %d",&no,&l,&r); Tree[no].left=l; Tree[no].right=r; Tree[l].p=Tree[r].p=no; } int p=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(Tree[i].p==NIL)p=i; printf("Preorder\n"); Preorder(p); printf("\nInorder\n"); Inorder(p); printf("\nPostorder\n"); Postorder(p); printf("\n"); } *Binary search trees - Binary Search Tree III http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_8_C 追加削除探索、要素のプリントといった2分木の最低限の機能を実装する問題。 削除のアルゴリズムがうまくいく理由があまりイメージできない。 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node{ struct node *right; struct node *left; struct node *parent; int key; }; typedef struct node *Node; #define NIL NULL Node root; Node treeMinimum(Node x){ while(x->left != NIL)x=x->left; return x; } Node treeSearch(Node u, int k){ while(u!=NIL){ if(u->key==k)break; if(k<u->key){ u=u->left; }else{ u=u->right; } } return u; } Node treeSuccessor(Node x){ if(x->right!=NIL){ return treeMinimum(x->right); } Node y=x->parent; while(y!=NIL && x==y->right){ x=y; y=y->parent; } return y; } void treeDelete(Node z){ Node y; // node to be deleted Node x; // child of y if(z==NIL)return; if(z->left==NIL || z->right==NIL){ y=z; }else{ y=treeSuccessor(z); } if(y->left!=NIL){ x=y->left; }else{ x=y->right; } if(x!=NIL){ x->parent=y->parent; } if(y->parent==NIL){ root=x; }else{ if(y==y->parent->left){ y->parent->left=x; }else{ y->parent->right=x; } } if(y!=z) z->key=y->key; } void insert(int k){ Node y = NIL; Node x = root; Node z; z = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); z->key = k; z->left = NIL; z->right = NIL; while(x!=NIL){ y=x; if(z->key < x->key){ x=x->left; }else{ x=x->right; } } z->parent=y; if(y==NIL){ root=z; }else{ if(z->key < y->key){ y->left=z; }else{ y->right=z; } } } void inorder(Node u){ if(u==NIL)return; inorder(u->left); printf(" %d",u->key); inorder(u->right); } void preorder(Node u){ if(u==NIL)return; printf(" %d",u->key); preorder(u->left); preorder(u->right); } int main(){ int n, i, x; char com[20]; scanf("%d", &n); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ scanf("%s", com); if ( com[0] == 'f' ){ scanf("%d", &x); Node t = treeSearch(root, x); if ( t != NIL ) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n"); } else if ( com[0] == 'i' ){ scanf("%d", &x); insert(x); } else if ( com[0] == 'p' ){ inorder(root); printf("\n"); preorder(root); printf("\n"); } else if ( com[0] == 'd' ){ scanf("%d", &x); treeDelete(treeSearch(root, x)); } } return 0; }
*Tree - Tree Walk http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_7_C&lang=jp 2分木をデータから組み立て順番に訪問した結果を出力する問題。 #include<stdio.h> const int LIMIT=26; const int NIL=-1; struct node{ int p,right,left; }; node Tree[LIMIT]; void Preorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; printf(" %d",p); Preorder(Tree[p].left); Preorder(Tree[p].right); } void Inorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; Inorder(Tree[p].left); printf(" %d",p); Inorder(Tree[p].right); } void Postorder(int p){ if(p==-1)return; Postorder(Tree[p].left); Postorder(Tree[p].right); printf(" %d",p); } int main(){ int n,l,r,no; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)Tree[i].p=NIL; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d %d %d",&no,&l,&r); Tree[no].left=l; Tree[no].right=r; Tree[l].p=Tree[r].p=no; } int p=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(Tree[i].p==NIL)p=i; printf("Preorder\n"); Preorder(p); printf("\nInorder\n"); Inorder(p); printf("\nPostorder\n"); Postorder(p); printf("\n"); } *Binary search trees - Binary Search Tree III http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_8_C 追加削除探索、要素のプリントといった2分木の最低限の機能を実装する問題。 削除のアルゴリズムがうまくいく理由があまりイメージできない。 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node{ struct node *right; struct node *left; struct node *parent; int key; }; typedef struct node *Node; #define NIL NULL Node root; Node treeMinimum(Node x){ while(x->left != NIL)x=x->left; return x; } Node treeSearch(Node u, int k){ while(u!=NIL){ if(u->key==k)break; if(k<u->key){ u=u->left; }else{ u=u->right; } } return u; } Node treeSuccessor(Node x){ if(x->right!=NIL){ return treeMinimum(x->right); } Node y=x->parent; while(y!=NIL && x==y->right){ x=y; y=y->parent; } return y; } void treeDelete(Node z){ Node y; // node to be deleted Node x; // child of y if(z==NIL)return; if(z->left==NIL || z->right==NIL){ y=z; }else{ y=treeSuccessor(z); } if(y->left!=NIL){ x=y->left; }else{ x=y->right; } if(x!=NIL){ x->parent=y->parent; } if(y->parent==NIL){ root=x; }else{ if(y==y->parent->left){ y->parent->left=x; }else{ y->parent->right=x; } } if(y!=z) z->key=y->key; } void insert(int k){ Node y = NIL; Node x = root; Node z; z = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); z->key = k; z->left = NIL; z->right = NIL; while(x!=NIL){ y=x; if(z->key < x->key){ x=x->left; }else{ x=x->right; } } z->parent=y; if(y==NIL){ root=z; }else{ if(z->key < y->key){ y->left=z; }else{ y->right=z; } } } void inorder(Node u){ if(u==NIL)return; inorder(u->left); printf(" %d",u->key); inorder(u->right); } void preorder(Node u){ if(u==NIL)return; printf(" %d",u->key); preorder(u->left); preorder(u->right); } int main(){ int n, i, x; char com[20]; scanf("%d", &n); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){ scanf("%s", com); if ( com[0] == 'f' ){ scanf("%d", &x); Node t = treeSearch(root, x); if ( t != NIL ) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n"); } else if ( com[0] == 'i' ){ scanf("%d", &x); insert(x); } else if ( com[0] == 'p' ){ inorder(root); printf("\n"); preorder(root); printf("\n"); } else if ( com[0] == 'd' ){ scanf("%d", &x); treeDelete(treeSearch(root, x)); } } return 0; } *Heaps - Heap http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_9_A とりあえず簡単なヒープを実装する問題。 #include<stdio.h> int n,heap[1000]; int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&heap[i]); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ printf("node %d: key = %d, ",i,heap[i]); if(i>1){ printf("parent key = %d, ",heap[i/2]); } if(2*i<=n){ printf("left key = %d, ",heap[i*2]); } if(2*i+1<=n){ printf("right key = %d, ",heap[2*i+1]); } printf("\n"); } }

